Het vervelende was bovendien dat het al dan niet toelaten van een land, ver eniging of persoon tot de citra niet een zaak van de citra is. Daarvoor is het Executive Committee van de ica verantwoordelijk. Maar niet iedereen bleek voor deze formeel juiste opvatting ontvankelijk. Tijdens de aan de Ron de Tafel voorafgegane EC-vergadering in Rome had dit onderwerp al voor zo'n onaangename sfeer gezorgd, dat ook daar besloten was tot verdaging van dit agendapunt. Zolang de apartheid bestaat zal deze een tijdbom blijven, voort aan ook onder de Internationale Archiefcongressen en de Ronde Tafels. 5 Excursies De ontvangsten waren goed verzorgd. Opvallend was de verwarringwekkende afwezigheid van de minister van Cultuur op de door hem aangeboden recep tie. De excursie naar La Granja en Segovia was onvergetelijk. Zeer amusant waren de gidsen, die beantwoordden aan de behoefte van de meeste deelne mers aan interessante en bondige informatie. J.N.T. van Albada Bijlage 1 Recommendations The xxvith International Conference of the Round Table on Archives re affirms the principal conclusions and recommendations of the xxivth citra at Helsinki and wishing to build on that foundation recommends that whate ver the political and administrative structure of the state concerned, the cen tral archival administration should foster and conduct the development of pro fessional standards in co-operation with all other archival institutions at every level of government. The participants, recognising that administrative decentralisation represents a major trend in many countries throughout the world, express the view that coherence of archival policies can be achieved by the establishment of archi val systems based on the component parts acting in concert rather than being based on a hierarchy. The participants recognise that it is possible to implement archival policies, practices and methods in any political and institutional context, although no single organisational model can be offered as an ideal to be adopted by differ ent nations. The participants agree that national and federal archival institutions, by vir tue of their central place in society, offer the best framework for theoretical and applied research, especially in the fields of technology and methodology. The Conference emphasises the basic importance of the contribution that pro fessional archival associations can make to the development and dissemina tion of standardised archival practices. 80 Considering that no national history is possible without a co-ordinated policy of appraisal and disposal, the Conference recommends that action be taken at national and international levels for facilitating the implementation of such nation-wide programmes. The Conference expresses concern that, although major efforts have been made by unesco and ica for gathering and publishing archival statistics on a stan dardised basis, in a significant number of countries the proposed statistical standards and units of measurement have not yet been adopted and therefore valid comparisons are difficult of achievement. The Conference urges that the international statistical effort be pursued in the long term on a regular basis, with the support of professional archival associations and national and federal archives. Considering the common concerns and objectives of the library and archival communities in the safeguarding of the written cultural heritage and bearing in mind the most effective co-operation carried out by ifla and ica at the in ternational level, the Conference recommends to the national and federal ar chival administrations and the professional associations that they establish similar relations with the library institutions and associations at the national level. The Conference reaffirms its recognition of the benefits gained by the archi val community world-wide from unesco, especially through the ramp- programme, in developing and disseminating nationally applicable profession al guidelines. The Conference acknowledges with pleasure the active participation of ica/Spa and ica/sma in its deliberations and expresses the hope that such con tacts will be pursued in the future between professional archival associations, municipal archives and state archives at national and regional levels. The xxvith International Conference of the Round Table on Archives regrets that for unforeseen circumstances it was unable to meet in Rio de Janeiro as originally envisaged and records its determination to maintain cordial and fruit ful professional relations with the Brazilian archival community. The xxvi th International Conference of the Round Table on Archives ex presses its deep obligation to the government of Spain, the City of Madrid and the Director General and staff of the State Archives of Spain for their effec tiveness in organising the Conference and their generous hospitality and is espe cially pleased by their general success in making possible such a large repre sentation from the Spanish-speaking countries. Noten 1 De Actes van Helsinki en van andere Ronde Tafels kunnen worden besteld bij het secreta riaat van de ica, 60, rue des Francs-Bourgeois, 75141 Paris Cedex 03. 2 Voor de inleidingen verwijs ik naar de spoedig verwachte Acta. 81

Periodiekviewer Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen

Nederlandsch Archievenblad | 1990 | | pagina 30