The audio-visual presentation in Bonn The presentation of a dozen audio-visual pro ductions in Bonn was a new activity for an International Archival Congress. Despite some technical difficulties, the Congress participants enjoyed very much the program me offered. They admired the video tapes done by their colleagues as well as the hard work they had put in to the production of films on archival subjects. The impossibility of presenting the film of the People's Republic of China was unfor tunate. Despite the assistance of a technician from the University of Bonn, the projecti on equipment would not accept the tape. Neither would it project the colors of the film presented by the USSR. Nevertheless we can conclude that, thanks to the films produced by the national or municipal services and archival associations of Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, p.r. of Chi na, USSR, Scotland, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands, the Con gress was made more interesting for the participants. I hope that at future International Archival Congresses, participants will have oppor tunity to see films produced by fellow archivists on the management of their archives, on their cultural heritage and, if possible, on the themes of the Congress. Bijlage 2 Recommendations The xxiiird International Conference of the Round Table on Archives, considering that the extension of the right of privacy to archives encounters difficulties, not only because of the lack of an adequate and general applicable definition, but also because of certain moral and legal concepts, such as the right to oblivion, which are inconsistent with the essence of History and with archival administration, that the capability of modern technology to store, combine and disseminate vast amounts of data demands efficient measures to prevent misuse of information concerning living individuals, that the archivist, as the custodian of the archives which reflect the conduct of the go vernment and are also the basic sources for historical research, has a mission to acquire, conserve and make accessible the archives, balancing the interests of government, indi viduals, society and history, the Conference agrees, that archivists, because of their knowledge of public records, the interests of users, and the necessity for avoiding premature disclosure of sensitive personal information, are in a position to make a valuable contribution to the development of sound legislation and regulations governing access to information and protection of privacy, recommends that archivists in those countries where legislation on freedom of informa tion and protection of personal privacy does not exist be prepared to give advise on the se issues, and recommends that archivists in other countries make available to them their knowledge and experience, that legislation and archival practice should not prevent or unduly delay historical re search by extending excessively the protection of privacy to deceased persons, that a well-proportioned balance between the right to privacy on the one hand, and the right to information and the interests of historical research on the other, will lead to the release of all restricted material at the conclusion of whatever period of closure may be necessary, agrees that special clearance procedures are necessary, especially with respect to archi ves which are closed for a long time period; it is underscored that these procedures should be transparent and governed by objective criteria, so as to guarantee equal treatment of all interested parties, agrees that from an archival point of view protection of privacy requires, in addition to legislation, efficient intellectual and physical control of the records, proper storage conditions, and an adequate and well-trained staff, recommends that private archives in custody of archival institutions should be acces sible under conditions which are clear, non-discriminatory, limited in time, and consistent 64 with the policy governing access to comparable information in public archives, calls the attention of archival authorities to the fact that the protection of privacy requi res that the so-called private papers of public officials containing sensitive information on individuals should be subject to the same access rules as public records, recalls the long-standing consensus of the profession that, since access to information requires retention of records, no destruction of records should be permitted without the concurrence of the archival authority, and it expresses its concern about the trend to wards privacy legislation requiring agencies to destroy records or data without archival review, agrees that destruction of valuable machine-readable records and archives containing sensitive personal information can be easily avoided by introducing ways to assure ano- nimization of personal identifiers. The Conference, while consious of the results achieved in Austin, recognizes that a number of controversial issues are emerging, such as: new developments in privacy and freedom of information legislation and jurisprudence, the demarcation between public and private archives, the implications of office automation and disposition of records, the distinction between a private citizen and a public official with regard to the right to privacy, and that they require further in-depth study by the competent ica bodies. The xxiure? International Conference of the Round Table on Archives, expresses its ap preciation to the authors of the case-studies which stimulated a fruitful and constructi ve discussion, its heart-felt gratitude to the National Archives and Records Administra tion of the United States of America for providing excellent working conditions for the Conference, and to The Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation for its generous hospitality. Society of American Archivists 49th annual meeting, Austin 1985 Een impressie Vijf dagen lang congresseren archivarissen uit Noord-Amerika in Austin. Twee verdiepingen van het Hyatt-hotel slokken overdag de achthonderd deelnemers op. Tussen de bedrijven door lijkt het totale hotel door saa-badges dragende personen bezet. De saa telt ongeveer 2500 leden. Normaal neemt de helft van hen deel aan het jaarlijkse congres. Dit jaar niet. Texas ligt te ver van de bewoonde wereld. Dit jaar heeft het congres wel een internationaal tintje, want een aantal van de Ronde Tafelgangers heeft de uitnodiging aanvaard en blijft een paar dagen langer. Een enkeling van hen, onder wie onze eigen algemene rijksarchivaris, treedt op als spreker. De eerste indrukken zijn overrompelend. In Amerika is alles groter, in Texas nog groter. Het duurt even voor ik in de chaos herkenningspunten vind en daar aan vaste netwerken van orde. Congres is een verkeerde naam, Annual Mee ting is een meeromvattend begrip. Oude vriendschappen werden beleefd, kennismakingen hernieuwd, sollici tatiegesprekken gevoerd, er hangt een prikbord met vacatures en tijdstippen waarop vragers bereikbaar zijn. Computercursussen worden gegeven, program matuur getoetst en gekocht. Regionale verenigingen werven leden en abonnees. 65

Periodiekviewer Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen

Nederlandsch Archievenblad | 1986 | | pagina 33