working criteria, to respond to these tasks and to concerns which match the general objectives of UNESCO, especially as laid down in its ramp programme, the 22nd International Archival Round Table Conference recommends to archive administrations that they should improve their con tacts with administrators, at the several levels of government, so as to facilita te their own work, by organizing conferences and seminars, and by produ cing, so far as is possible, practical manuals, to ensure both the most effective management of current records and the harmonization of the respective func tions of records creating bodies and archives through out the life cycle of con temporary records; draws the attention of archive administrations and professional associations of archivists to the interest which International Archives Weeks might take in choosing the theme of this Conference, as a means of interesting administra tors and the general public in the problems posed by the proliferation of re cords; expresses the wish that the programme of the forthcoming Round Table Con ferences should include a study of the significance and consequences of the in troduction and extension of modern technology, especially automation, miniaturisation and audiovisual means, in the field of records creation and control; recommends to the Executive Committee of ica that it should include in its Medium Term Plan a study on the development and use of new types of sim plified finding aids to contemporary records, prepared in collaboration with the transferring agencies, and to undertake a survey to test the application of different methods of sampling and the use of samples by researchers, with spe cial reference to the criteria put forward in the ramp study on 'The use of sampling techniques in the retention of records' and in the corresponding chapter of the Report of the 22nd citra; notes with satisfaction the ongoing preparations for the 'European Conferen ce on the Creation and Organisation of Contemporary Records', to be held in Budapest in 1985, which will folow up and extend the scope of the work begun by the 22nd citra; expresses the wish that the problem of managing current records should be as signed priority in the general working programme of the International Coun cil on Archives and its regional branches; thanks the authorities of the Slovak Socialist Republic and the Archives Ad ministration of Slovakia for the cordial reception and for the provision of ex cellent conditions for the preparation and work of the 22nd citra. Noten Met dank aan drs. J. N. Th. Albada, die aan dit verslag de rapportage over de zevende vergade ring van afgevaardigden van archivarissenvere- nigingen (SPA) bijdroeg. 1 M. M. Warning, Inventaris van de archieven van de afdeling Effectenregistratie van de Raad voor het rechtsherstel 1945 1971 ('s-Gravenhage 1973). 144 2 'Teneinde een blijvend inzicht in het functione ren van de kantongerechten mogelijk te ma ken, is er voor gekozen om in elk ressort het archief van een kantongerecht in zijn geheel te bewaren. Deze kantongerechten zijn die te Heerenveen, Harderwijk, Hoorn, Zierikzee en Boxmeer. Ook dienen de archiefbescheiden van zaken betrekking hebbende op deze kantonge rechten, welke elders zijn gearchiveerd, blij vend te worden bewaard. Uit de overige kan tongerechtsarchieven dienen de kerngegevens bewaard te blijven', aldus een circulaire van de minister van Justitie van 11 maart 1981 (Stcrt. 100). 3 Actes de la vingt et unième Conférence inter nationale de la Table Ronde des Archives, Ku ala Lumpur 1982. Politiques du microfilm (Pa ris 1983). Te bestellen a FF 110 bij de Table Ronde internationale des Archives, 60 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, Paris. 4 Te bestellen door overmaking op postgiro 487283 t.n.v. penningmeester VAN te Tiel van 5(voor de Directory, f 10,— voor Janus 2 en eveneens 10,voor Janus 3. Titel(s) en aantal(len) vermelden. 145

Periodiekviewer Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen

Nederlandsch Archievenblad | 1984 | | pagina 29