under 'Staatliches Schulamt [placename redacted]/ Allgemein/Daten aus [placename redacted]', is described as containing files on administrative reform, disciplinary proceedings and meetings of school heads. Under Extent, it is noted that the entity contains 142 subfolders and 923 files. The inconsistent, heterogeneous nature of the internal structures in the fonds can be shown when this is contrasted with another example, the entity 'Information', which comes under 'Staatliches Schulamt [placename redacted]/Allgemein/Arbeitsschutz und Lehrergesundheit'. It is described as containing documents on two presentations, and the Extent field notes that it consists of only seven files (no subfolders). 5.3. Remaining problems, questions and comments The result of the 'time and motion' study showed that, while such appraisal is not impossible, it is extremely unsustainable from an economic point of view. For eight months, three to four hours a day, I viewed and deleted individual files. The time investment was justified because this was a pilot project, but in the future the effort must be significantly reduced. The project also highlighted a vicious circle where such fonds are concerned: due to their size and complexity, one cannot decide whether it is worthwhile to carry out individual file autopsy without having seen a substantial proportion of the individual files first. It is also possible to make a criticism of the authenticity of the outcome, as suggested by Gilliland and Bischoff: the result is that the agency's actual way of working may be falsely represented, as significantly more organized than it was.46 In other words, the existence of disorder is also a historically relevant fact. The literature on appraisal often encourages archivists to document deletions and the reasons for them, so that the original fonds can be reconstructed, but this was not possible in this situation - another idea that is not scalable (although it should be noted that the original complete folder and file structure has been preserved in the form of metadata). Is authenticity a value that trumps all others, for example usability? In this context it should be noted that German archivists already appraise within databases, a procedure that is sometimes referred to as 'Tailoring'.47 The aim of this analysis is not to argue that such cases should in general be handled the same way as in this pilot project. In this respect I find Sloyan's suggestions a little too optimistic: she suggests that 'totally disordered collections should not be accepted as a prevailing trend' and that 'Many people use directory structures to store and locate their files, rather than rely on search functions'.48 This assertion appears to be based on the experiences of the Wellcome Library, which show that 'file organization is more likely to be present the larger the capacity of the storage media'.49 However, Sloyan does not address the question of whether the medical scientists whose data the Wellcome Library handles are likely to be more punctilious in the organization of their (extremely valuable and sensitive) data than other users in different occupations. It may be, for example, that the creative professions show less rigor in structuring data than medical researchers or lawyers. Epilogue It may one day be possible to steer a middle course between economic unsustainability and unwanted deletion in cases like ours, by using new technology.50 The UK National Archives are currently examining whether such fonds can be made easier to analyze through the use of eDiscovery/data analytics.51 This appears to be a promising line of enquiry, which draws on earlier, similar suggestions for digital appraisal by authors including Gilliland.52 This software identifies similar, as well as identical, files, and even thematic patterns indicative of file relationships within the fonds.53 If a software environment could be developed that would allow visualization of the data using eDiscovery/data analytics, de-duping and removal of empty folders, automatic logging of deletions as well as of the original folder structure as part of the metadata, renaming of folders, and packaging of the data for the digital repository, the previously described workflow with its various individual tools could be replaced with a single solution that could offer the archivist a better overview. It would also address some of the concerns about authenticity. I therefore conclude this analysis with a new working hypothesis: that the method developed by the Wellcome Library, which is similar to the approach that was attempted in our project's initial stages, will work for fonds with a significant amount of internal structure and organization. These are more likely to come from individuals than from organizations, although we cannot exclude the possibility that an organization which consistently follows good records management practices may also produce a fonds that can be appraised in this way. It is also possible that an individual may be capable of creating a fonds so chaotic that the Wellcome Library method would not work. However, in cases of significant internal disorganization, I propose that the way forward will probably involve either new technologies or the adaptation to archival needs of technologies already being used by the legal sector. While this analysis has shown that file-level autopsy is indeed possible, it is also clear that it is too time-consuming to be sustainable in practice. praktijk 46 Gilliland, 3 5; Bischoff, 49. 47 Bischoff, 47. 48 Sloyan, 22. 49 Sloyan, 22. 158 isabel taylor a hydra-like Russian doll: appraising and describing the shared drive of a staatliches schulamt 50 Harvey, 29. 51 The National Archives, The Application of Technology-Assisted Review to Born-Digital Records Transfer, Inquiries and Beyond: Research Report (2016) 16-17, http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/technology- assisted-review-to-born-digital-records-transfer.pdf. Many thanks to Anthea Seles for drawing this report to my attention. 52 Gilliland, 37. 53 The National Archives, 17. 159

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Jaarboeken Stichting Archiefpublicaties | 2018 | | pagina 81