^uralo_ al NICO VRIEND AN UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNT OF PAPER: THE INFORMATION SYSTEM AND NETWORK OF THE DUTCH EAST INDIA COMPANY j^^oromaodel ïatavia Map 2. Document flow from the Persian outpost during the years 1736-1737. The numbers next to the arrows (document flow) give the amount of found documents. The dotted lines are complementary, as they do not directly appear from the Persian correspondence. G Gamron. Constantinople Aleppo Spahan Kirman Bassoura '24 Map 3. Document flow from the Persian outpost during the years 1736-1737, inset from map 2. private correspondence. correspondence of the Dutch ambassador in Constantinople to the governor of the Ottoman Empire in Bassoura, Mhemies Pacha. 87

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Jaarboeken Stichting Archiefpublicaties | 2012 | | pagina 89