Locations of Dutch colonial archives: Indonesia In contrast to some of the other colonisers after the colonies gained their independence, the Dutch left their archives behind.40 This means that most of the former Dutch colonies are in the possession of a large number of archives written in the Dutch language. These archives are not only significant symbols of the colonial past of the countries concerned, they are also a goldmine for autonomous historiography, although the problem of an intensive and wider use of the Dutch language should not be underestimated. In 1985, on the basis of information that had been hard to come by, the historian Drooglever provided an overview of the situation of the Dutch language archives in Indonesia. The backbone of the Dutch administrative archives in the colonial era is made up from the extensive archives of the General Secretariat. By the time Drooglever produced his overview, the materials from the periods 1816 to 1891 and 1944 to 1950 had been placed in the archival depots of the Reinier de Klerk Building in Jakarta while the period between these was stored in the premises of the former archives in Buitenzorg, now Bogor. These archives have in the mean time been relocated to modern archive depots. Many of the archives up to circa 1890 from the residencies had been transferred to the Landsarchief the central archive of the Netherlands Indies and predecessor of the Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia in the 1930s41; if they have not been destroyed, the 20th century residence archives could possibly be found somewhere in the former government buildings. Very little is known about the fate of the various departmental archives.42 ANRI keeps a reasonable inventory of the Dutch - largely colonial - archives which had been preserved in Indonesia. Since the publication of the Guide to the sources of Asian history in Indonesia, the inventorisation of the VOC archives (approximately 2500 ml) in particular has been given much attention 43 while this attention is now increasingly being redirected onto the archives from the colonial period (approx. 6 km) which are being kept in the ANRI.44 The most significant common characteristic of these colonial archives is that they are for the most part written in the Dutch language and that the majority was made by the colonial administrative bodies. With all this emphasis on Jakarta, it would be wrong to form the impression that there were hardly any archives to be found anywhere else but at ANRI. There is sufficient indication that a systematic inventorisation would still unearth a considerable number of archives.45 16 COLONIAL LEGACY IN SOUTH EAST ASIA - THE DUTCH ARCHIVES 40 Not all European countries carried this out in the same way. The British have transferred many colonial archives to Britain. In her book Owning Memory Jeanette Allis Bastian has given a penetrating account of how a community (Virgin Islands) lost its archives and what it mean for the local community because the former coloniser, Denmark, had taken the archives to Denmark. 41 An interesting article which deals in detail with the significance of these archives was written by Carey, 'The residency archive of Jogjakarta'. 42 Drooglever, 'Onaangeboorde bronnen', 121. 43 Balk, Van Dijk and Kortland, The archives of the Dutch East India Company. 44 In 1990, the guide Handleiding voor historisch onderzoek in het archief van de Algemene Secretarie en voor ganger1816-1942 (Jakarta 1990) written by Rob Kramer and André Tempelaars was published. This guide was the result of a joint project between Algemeen Rijksarchief in the Netherlands [nowadays National Archives] and Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia in Jakarta, aiming to make the archives of the general

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Jaarboeken Stichting Archiefpublicaties | 2012 | | pagina 18