gen. Op archivistisch terrein heeft het New Netherland Project thans plannen om te komen tot een Nederlandse tegenhanger van de Amerikaanse gids voor bronnen met betrekking tot Nieuw-Nederland, zodat bijna anderhalve eeuw na de archiefreizen van Brodhead een modern overzicht van de archivalia met betrekking tot Nieuw-Nederland in de Nederlandse archiefbewaarplaatsen in het zicht komt. Noten 1 De auteur bereidt een dissertatie voor over de landbouw in Nieuw-Nederland en verbleef daartoe diverse malen voor onderzoek in Alba ny en New York. Hij dankt Charles Gehring, directeur van het New Netherland Project, en Roger Witzman, medewerker van de New York State archives, voor hun medewerking. 2 Een summier maar verhelderend overzicht geeft Charles Th. Gehring in 'Dutch manu scripts relating to New Netherland in U.S. repo sitories', Bulletin knob 83(1983)136-141. 3 a. p. kenney Stubborn for liberty. The Dutch in New York (Syracuse, New York, 1975) 236. 4 Diedrich Knickerbocker's History of New York. Een boeiend beeld van het culturele en literaire klimaat en de rol van de etnische Ne derlanders in New York in de dagen van Irving geeft Van Wyck Brooks in The World of Was hington Irving (New York, Londen, 1945). De etnische tegenstellingen tussen Nederlanders en Engelsen komen onder meer aan de orde in p.u. bonomi, A factious people. Politics and society in colonial New York (New York, 1971) 18-28, 48-55. 5 Ontleend aan het hoofdstuk 'Mr. Clinton co mes to town' in: cecil r.roseberry, A history of the New York State Library (Albany, 1970). 6 harry f. jackson, Scholar in the wilderness, Francis Adrian van der Kemp (Syracuse, New York, 1963) 36. 7 C.K. WINNE JR. Arnold J. F. Van Laer (1869- 1955). An appreciation,' in: New York Histori cal manuscripts Dutch i, xi. 8 Koninklijke Bibliotheek, collectie handschrif ten, nr. 128 fd 21, Brief van Brodhead aan de bibliothecaris J.W. Holtrop, gedrukte bijlage 'Report of J. Romeyn Brodhead, Esq., Den Haag, 25-10-1841'. 9 ch.t. gehring 'Introduction' in: New York Historical Manuscripts Dutch v, xi. 10 e. b. O'callaghan, Calendar of historical ma nuscripts in the office of the Secretary of Sta te, Albany, New York (Albany, 1865). 11 Lang na O'Callaghans dood in 1897 in zeven delen uitgegeven door zijn opvolger B.Fernow als The Records of New Amsterdam. 12 peterr.christoph, 'Translators of Dutch re cords evaluated', De Halve Maen 49 (april 1974, no 1) 9-10. 13 Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York, vols. 12-14 (Albany, 1877-1883). 14 a. j.f. van laer, ed., Van Rensselaer Bowier manuscriptsAlbany, 1908. 15 peter r.christoph, 'Introduction' in: a.j.f. van laer ed., New York Historical manu scripts Dutch i (Baltimore, 1971) xiii. 16 Zie voor een verslag van de brand ook a. eek hof, 'De brand in het kapitool te Albany (n.y.). Een ramp voor de historische weten schap', Nederlandsch Archievenblad (1910- 1911) 254-259. 17 a. j.f. van laer ed., Documents Relating to New Netherland, 1624-1626. San Marino, 1924. 18 142 van de New York State Education Law, van kracht geworden 25 juni 1971. 19 Charles Theodore gehring, 'The Dutch Lan guage in Colonial New York. An investigation of a language in decline and its relationship to social change.' (ongepubliceerde dissertatie, In diana University, 1973). 20 gehring, ed., New York Historical Ma nuscripts Dutch Vols, gg, hh II. Land Pa pers, Baltimore, 1980. 21, A guide to Dutch manuscripts relating to New Netherland, University of the State of New York, Albany, 1978. 22 Zie onder meer j. w.schulte nordholt, 'Ne derlanders in Nieuw Nederland, de oorlog van Kieft' (met bijlage: 'Journael van Nieu- Nederlandt' bmhg 80 (1966) 38-94; e. van den boogaart, 'De Nederlandse expansie in het Atlantisch gebied' in: Algemene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, vii (Haarlem, 1980) 245-254; s. hart, The prehistory of the New Netherland Company: records of the first Dutch voyages to the Hudson, Amsterdam, 1959 en p.c.em mer 'De slavenhandel van en naar Nieuw- Nederland', in Economisch- en sociaal historisch jaarboek 35 (1972) 94-147. 152 Dutch records in the state of New York and the history of their translation and publication In this article, the author focuses on the remarkable history of the records of the colony of New Netherland (1624-1674), presently deposited in the New York State archives in Albany. The first effort to translate the whole body of Dutch records of the central administration of New Netherland dates back to the first half of the last century. F. A. van der Kemp, who was famous in both the Old and New World for his radical political views, and who emigra ted to America in the wake of the conservative political reaction after 1787, was in 1817 the first to set himself to the enormous task of transcribing and translating the many thousands of folios with seventeenth-century Dutch handwriting. Unfortunately, both his eye-sight and his command of English left much to be desired. The translation project was financed by the New York State government and when its initiator, governor DeWitt Clinton, had to lea ve office after a political defeat in 1823, the project stranded and the manu scripts were put on the shelves, unfinished. New interest in the Dutch history of New York was engendered during the presidency of Martin Van Buren, who was himself of New York Dutch de scent. Around 1840, John Romeyn Brodhead made his famous travels to Eng land and the Netherlands, in search of archival sources pertaining to New Ne therland. Both these sources discovered in Europe and many of the records in Albany were translated and published on behalf of the state of New York by O'Callaghan and Fernow. Some of these translations were very poor and to be re-edited by Arnold J.F. Van Laer, the son of a Dutch professor and since 1904 official archivist of New York state. O'Callaghan, Fernow and Van Laer were responsible for the greater part of the voluminous series of printed sources that have been a tremendous help to all historians of early Dutch New York eversince. After Van Laer took his leave as an archivist shortly before the second World War a period of decline in the interest in the history of the colony and its sour ces set in. The publication in 1974 of four volumes of records translated by Van Laer, never gone to press during his lifetime, was the start for a remarka ble upsurge in historical interest for the colony. Many new editions were pre pared by the New Netherland Project, a translation project founded by the New York State Library in 1974. The project is presently led by dr. Charles Gehring, who earned a Ph.D. on a dissertation on the decline of the Dutch language in New York in the eighteenth century. The projects supporting or ganization, the Friends of the New Netherland Project, sponsors many activi ties in the field of Dutch colonial history. 153

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Nederlandsch Archievenblad | 1989 | | pagina 21