De 26e Ronde Tafel zal van 2 tot 5 oktober 1989 te Rio de Janeiro worden gehouden. 5 Excursies Het aantal door de gastheren georganiseerde excursies was wel erg groot, de maaltijden waren overvloedig en overheerlijk. Het was spijtig dat er ook nog een congres was. Alle facetten van de Italiaanse cultuur werden getoond. J. N. T. van Albada Bijlage 1 Recommendations The 25th International Archival Round Table Conference acknowledges that the preservation of the archival heritage is a global problem which affects coun tries in all stages of development and in every climatic region. The Conference endorses the conclusions of the report of the Unesco /IFLA/ICA enquiry into the current state of the world's archival and library patrimony and recommends that national archival institutions should use the report, together with the detailed statistical analysis, in developing coherent national and institutional preservation policies. The Conference considers it essential that ifla and ica should pursue their co-operation on the field of preservation and conservation and expresses the wish that this co-operation should continue to benefit from Unesco's support. The conference recommends that such interprofessional co-operation should be reflected at regional and national levels, with particular emphasis on the following aspects: development of guidelines for the use, where appropriate, of archival quality materials in the creation of records; joint action to test available reprographic and conservation equipment and ma terials, joint action to make known to manufacturers and suppliers of such equipment and materials the specific requirements to ensure the protection of the archi val and library heritage, joint action to encourage the local production of basic conservation supplies; assessment of training needs of archivists, librarians, conservators, technici ans and non-professional staff and development of appropriate facilities ta king particular account of the requirement to train the educators; development of appropriate means at national and international levels to aid the collection, evaluation, and dissemination of information on preservation and conservation; promotion of awareness among authorities responsible for allocating resour ces and in the community at large of the scale and the scope of the problems of preserving their archival and library heritage. 84 The Conference expresses its satisfaction at the emphasis given to conservati on and training in ica's Third Medium Term Plan 1988-1992 and calls upon the professional community to give full support to its implementation. The Conference encourages new initiatives in South-South co-operation to accelerate the development of conservation programmes and facilities. The Conference notes with interest the rapid development and convergence of new computer-assisted technologies and their implications for the manage ment and control of preservation programmes. It also invites ifla and ica to undertake systematic action to identify achie vements in science and technology which might contribute further to the solu tion of problems in preservation and conservation faced by archives and li braries. The 25th International Archival Round Table Conference expresses its sincere gratitude to the national, provincial and communal au thorities of Italy for the organization of the conference and their generous hospi tality; requests the Director General of the Archives of Italy to extend its sincere thanks to all those who have participated in the organization of this Conference; extends its appreciation to the authors of the reports and particulary to mrs Marie Allen for her analysis of the replies to the Unesco/iFLA/iCA enquiry into the current state of the world's archival and library patrimony; warmly thanks ifla for its significant contribution to the work and success of this Conference; and presents its congratulations and most sincere thanks to Unesco on its exem plary and farsighted action in supporting the preservation of the documentary patrimony of mankind. Noot 1 Een overzicht van de nog verkrijgbare Acta is gepubliceerd in Nieuws van Archieven van de cember 1987. Der Archivar, jaargang 40 (1987) Twee thema's beheersen deze jaargang van het Westduitse vaktijdschrift: de verhouding van het archief tot het historisch museum en de tegenwoordig wel haast onvermijdelijke computer. Het eerste onderwerp was aan de orde op het Westduitse archiefcongres in München en heeft zijn schriftelijke neerslag ge kregen in de eerste twee afleveringen. In aflevering 4 is veel plaatsruimte voor de computer ingeruimd. Opvallend zijn de krachtige pleidooien voor een samengaan van stedelijk archief en historisch museum. Wolf-Arno Kropat bepleit in 'Archive als Hau- ser der Geschichte' (nr. 2, kolom 183-187) een institutionele vereniging van beide waar dat maar enigszins mogelijk is. Als de gelegenheid daarvoor niet opportuun is, zouden archieven door middel van tentoonstellingen zoveel mo gelijk aan de tegenwoordig zo grote historische interesse van het publiek tege- 85

Periodiekviewer Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen

Nederlandsch Archievenblad | 1988 | | pagina 43