- si „rr„,Bs sr M determined untüTuch^toe^^neToX1 has bee^TssuÏl.5^ W* paragraphed 4 °r middle"grade a* *«**1 1 er8'"! Committees of Water Boards, Fenland Boards and Fenland M ers may, with due observance of the rules laid down in their Statutes, enter into I inf agrecm ents or agreements with municipal government authorities for the keeping d custody of their records m a joint repository. The regulations in question shall tonton provisions concerning their amendment and abrogation. responsible for the records of provincial bodies, with the exception of those trans ferred to a State repository. Section 22. 1 Provincial Inspectors shall, under the authority of the Provincial Executives and in accordance with regulations to be laid down by the Provincial Councils, exercise supervision over the keeping of the records of provincial bodies, with the exception of those transferred to a State repository. 2 The Provincial Inspectors, who shall be senior archivists within the meaning of section 9, shall be appointed, suspended and discharged by the Provincial Councils. 3 In special cases Our Minister may, on conditions to be laid down by him, grant dispensation from the obligation to appoint Provincial Inspectors referred to in paragraph 1. CHAPTER IV Municipal Archives Section 23. The Burgomaster and Alderman shall be responsible for the records of municipal bodies in accordance with regulations to be laid down by the Municipal Council and communicated to the Provincial Executive concerned. Section 24. The Muncipal Council shall designate a municipal repository where the records of municipal bodies to be transferred in virtue of paragraph 1 of Secton 5 shall be kept. Section 25. 1 The person in charge of the municipal repository shall be a senior or middle-grade archivist within the meaning of Section 9, who shall be known as Muncipal Archivist, if no archivist has been appointed, the Town Clerk shall act as custodian. 2 The Municipal Archivist shall, under the authority of Burgomaster and Alderman and in accordance with regulations to be laid down by the Municipal Council and communicated to the Provincial Executive concerned, exercise supervision over the keeping of the records of municipal bodies, with the exception of those transferred to a repository. 3 The Municipal Archivist shall be appointed, suspended and discharged by Ihe Municipal Council. 4 We shall lay down by General Administrative Order in what municipalities, in the event of the Municipal Council deciding to appoint a Municipal Archivist, a senior archivist within the meaning of Section 9 shall be appointed to the post. 5 In special cases Our Minister shall have the power to authorize the appointment of a Municipal Archivist who does not hold the qualification of senior or middle-grade archivist as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 4 of this Section. Section 26. The Provincial Executive shall execise supervision over the keeping of the records by the Burgomaster and Aldermen as entrusted to them in Section 23, in accordance with rules to be laid down by General Administrative Order. Section 27. 1 The costs resulting from the discharge of the responsibilities referred to in Section 23 shall be borne by the municipality. 2 In special cases, Our Minister may grant an allowance towards these costs from the National Exchequer, in so far as they relate to records kept in a municipal re pository. 3 The costs resulting from the exercise of the supervision referred to in Section 26 shall be borne by the province. Section 28. If Burgomaster and Aldermen do not discharge the responsibility referred to in Section 23, We may, having heard the Provincial Executive concerned, lay down that such portion of the municipal records as We shall stipulate be transferred to a [194] CHAPTER V Archives of Waterschappen (Water Boards), Veenschappen (Penland Boards) and V eenpolders (Fen land Polders) "e bï "d to the Pro Section 30. The Executive Committees shall designate repositories for the keeninn of the records of the organs of the Water Boards, Fenland Boards and Fenland Pof dm to be transferred in virtue of paragraph 1 of Section 5. Penla"d Pol- 1 T^C custodian of 1116 repository shall be the Secretary or a member L^TatÏr"66 °f the Wat6r BOard' Fenland B°ard inland Polder 2 Notwithstanding the provision in the preceding paragraph, custody of the records j^e entrusted to a senior or middle-grade archivist within the meaning of Sec- iitt? arChiViSt Sha11 bC appointed' «"Pended and discharged by the Managing Com- 1 We shall lay down by General Administrative Order to which of the bodies refer- K1 to in this Chapter, in the event of a decision by the Managing Committee to appointed" Withb meaning of Section 9 shall be i to special cases, Our Minister shall have the power to authorize the appointment tf .hp PrfUlat'°,n\ lhe'r-amcndment or their abrogation, shall require the approval fProvincial Executive concerned, or, if the areas administered by the Water enland Boards, Fenland Polders or municipalities lie in different provinces or own approval, which will be given after We have heard the Provincial Executive. If the Provincial Executive refuses to give its approval, each of the Managing days of the IT* ag!"ee™ents may lod§e an aPPeal with Us within thirty y I the date of dispatch of the decision in question. ktion 33 The Provincial Executive shall exercise supervision over the keeping of record8 by the Executive Committees as entrusted to them in Section 29 Tn ccordance with rules to be laid down by General Administrative Order. ^fsiL\QTtT tTT KCSUki^ fr,°m 016 discharge of responsibilities referred Folder 6 y Water B°ard' Fenland Board or Fenland Mn special cases Our Minister may grant an allowance towards these costs from ■National Exchequer, in so far as they relate to records kept in a repository. J ?°sts resulting from the exercise of supervision referred to in Section 33 wi be borne by the province. "Mi0n 35~ M 1» Executive Committee of a Water Board, Fenland Board or Fen- [195]

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Nederlandsch Archievenblad | 1971 | | pagina 18