uCLhcbovdirdrawn up by pubiic bodies wMch by r^^paup by institutions or persons whose Engelse vertaling van de Archiefwet 1962 en het Archiefbesluit Het is gebleken, dat er behoefte bestaat aan de tekst van de Archiefwet 1962 en het Archiefbesluit in een of meer der moderne talen. In volume XVII van Archivum, Revue Internationale publiée sous les auspices du Conseil Interna tional des Archives, zal van beide stukken een vertaling in het Frans worden gepubliceerd, welke is verzorgd door de Afdeling Vertalingen van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Volgens de richtlijnen van het Comité de rédaction worden in Archivum XVII bepalingen over de opleiding der archivarissen en over zaken van ondergeschikt belang, alsmede de overgangsbepalingen, wegge laten. Door bemiddeling van het wnd. hoofd van de vierde afdeling van het Algemeen Rijksarchief, de heer H. J. van Meerendonk, die ook bij de totstandkoming van de Franse vertaling zijn tussenkomst verleend heeft, kan thans in het Neder lands Archievenblad een vertaling in het Engels van de Archiefwet 1962 en het Archiefbesluit worden opgenomen, welke eveneens verzorgd is door de Afdeling Vertalingen van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Buitenlandse bezoekers kunnen aan de hand van deze teksten gemakkelijker in gelicht worden over de archiefsituatie hier te lande dan tot nu toe het geval was. Toezending van de tekst kan moeizaam formuleren van een brief aan de hand van Elseviers Lexicon of archive terminology overbodig maken. Degenen, die voor dergelijke of andere gevallen op overdrukken van deze Engelse vertaling prijs stellen, kunnen zich wenden tot de heer H. J. van Meerendonk, p.a. Alge meen Rijksarchief, Bleijenburg 7, 's-Gravenhage, telefoon 070-647800 t/ra 647805. ACT of 19 July 1962, 'Staatsblad' (Bulletin of Acts, Orders and Decrees) No. 313, containing New Provisions governing Archives (Archives Act, 1962). We, JULIANA, by the Grace of God, Queen of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange Nassau, etc., etc., etc. To all and singular to whom these presents shall come, Greeting Whereas We have considered that the changes that have taken place in archive- keeping techniques render it expedient that the Archives Act, 1918, 'Staatsblad' No. 378, be replaced by new provisions; We, therefore, having heard the Council of State, and in consultation with the States General, have approved and decreed as We hereby approve and decree: [190] CHAPTER I General Provisions Section 1. 1 For the purpose of what has been provided by or in virtue of this a 'Our Minister' means Our Minister of Education, Arts and Sciences- b records means 3 records which under agreements with or by order of institutions nr for any other reason have been placed in repositories to be kept there- S °f 4 photographic reproductions which may by law or in virtue thereof take the nla-e of the records referred to in 1, 2 or 3 or which have been made in virtue of &e provisions of Section 4; vmue oi tne c 'repositories' means the repositories referred to in Sections 12, 14, 24 30 and 32 bodies shall include: °f IBWlded by °r in virtue of LpSveStsÏÏfs;t0gether With PUWiC SCrViCeS' enterpriseS and Stations and their b public bodies dissolved before or after the entry into force of this Act. Section 2. 1 Public bodies shall keep the records in their charge in proper condi- lion and suitably arranged and classified. ;"\,ay d°wn by General Administrative Order provisions concerning the power to destroy, alienate and deposit records. Sm L rIf/TrdS uTe uept by any public body other than that by which they Se a^proSat?ebothC *ey Section 4. Any person possessing records shall transmit them to the public body rf ecd3nSt f- r Pr°Visi01S °f this Act for their keeping, within four weeks receiving notification to do so by registered letter as to enable the body concerned to make photographic reproductions of them; transmission shall be at the expense and nsk of the public body. The public body shall return the records to the sender within a month of their receipt, even if it has a claim on them for other reasons. Section 5. 1 All records that are kept by public bodies and that are more than fifty MS old shall be transferred within a period of ten years to the repositories designa ted by or in virtue of this Act. 2 We shall lay down by General Administrative Order provisions concerning their transfer and the power to transfer them at an earlier date, as also concerning specific cases of postponed transfer, including cases where such later transfer is justified by some legal provision. Section 6. We may lay down by General Administrative Order provisions concerning e construction, alteration, arrangement and re-arrangement of repositories and con cerning the utilization of facilities or parts of facilities as repositories. Section 7. 1 The records kept in the repositories shall be public, subject to such actions as have been placed on their transfer or laid down in the agreements and orders referred to m paragraph 1 of Section 1. We shall lay down by General Ad ministrative Order provisions concerning the manner in which public access to them restricted, should this be urgently required in the general interest. "bject to such restrictions as may be imposed on their public nature, all per ns shall have the right to consult free of charge the records referred to in the prc- [191]

Periodiekviewer Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen

Nederlandsch Archievenblad | 1971 | | pagina 16