tial, useable evidence of social and business activity in the business, social and cultural domains. Records continuum thinking and practice are underpinned by a concept of records which is inclusive of, not exclusive to, records of continuing value (archives): The archival document [record] can be conceptualised as recorded infor mation arising from transactions. It is created as a by-product of social and organisational activity in the course of transacting business of any kind, whether by governments, businesses, community organisations or private individuals. It is therefore defined by its contextuality and transactionality. The documentation of transactions may be in any storage media and is increasingly an electronic process. In Australia and North America, the use of the terms 'records' and 'archives' to refer to current archival documents and archival documents selected for preservation respectively has created a distracting division within the recordkeeping profession between records managers and archivists. The unifying concept of the archival document encompasses both records and archives. It directs attention to the continuum of processes involved in managing the record of a transaction so that it retains its evidentiary quality. Archival documents first and foremost provide evidence of the transactions of which they are a part -from this they derive their meanings and informational value. The effective creation and management of archival documents are critical to their use and the role they play in governing relationships in society over time and space. Their effective creation and management are also preconditions of an information-rich society and underpin the public accountability of government and non government organisations, freedom of information and privacy legislation, protection of people's rights and entitlements, and the quality of the archival heritage, made up of documents of continuing value. The concept of the archival document can provide a framework for a greater shared understan ding of the nature of recorded information, and of the importance of trans actional records to the continuing functioning of a society. Records continuum thinking is concerned about ideas about the role of record keeping which flow from this unifying concept -in five key areas. Firstly there is the role records play in governance, in regulating relationships between people and organisations, and as instruments of power and authority. Secondly, there is the nexus between recordkeeping and accountability in its broadest sense of accounting to each other for what we do to each other, encompassing corporate, social, cultural, and historical accountability. Thirdly, there is the role that recordkeeping plays in constituting corporate and collective memory, especially insofar as records capture experiential knowledge. Fourthly there is the way in which recordkeeping can be understood as a kind of witnessing, providing evidence of both personal and collective identity. And finally, there is the way records function as sources of value-added information and can be exploited as assetts, with new records being created in the process. In The Constitution of society, sociologist Anthony Giddens spoke of informa tion as being both an allocative and an authoritative resource. As an allocative resource, it can be 'a feature of the environment, a means of production or a 196 produced good'. As an authoritative resource, Giddens said information is 'a means of control or governance of social time-space', i.e. a way of governing and perpetuating relationships between people and organisations through time and across space. With reference to the above outline of the purposes of record keeping, records can also be usefully characterised in this way. As sources of value-added information, they function as an allocative resource; as evidence of activity and identity, as memory, and as instruments of power and authority, they function as an authoritative resource. Recordkeeping places Many archivists have been used to defining their place by locating the archives and the archiving function within the walls of archival repositories. In Australia this has been particularly the case for collecting archivists, for government archi vists in some of the State jurisdictions where the archiving function has been closely linked with the library function, and for corporate archivists whose pro grams originated in corporate history or commemorative projects. Records managers meanwhile have often been preoccupied with managing the records in central filing systems or records stores. For these archivists and records managers, the walls of the repository, registry or records store have formed the boundary of their respective places, and the basis for drawing demarcation lines between the organisation's business processes, records management and archival administration. Some have articulated their work with reference to the US-NARA records life cycle model, with its paper mind-set and conceptualisation of records management and archival work in terms of particular custodial strategies and methods rather than purposes or outcomes. Others, particularly collecting archivists, have described what they do in terms of the manuscript library tradi tion which emphasises collection management and research service delivery. But, there has been another tradition in Australia, and records managers and archivists who have worked within that tradition have developed over the years a different sense of place, linked to the concept of the records continuum. This is especially so for many who have worked for Australian Archives and in State jurisdictions in which the archival authority is cast in the role of regulator of accountable public recordkeeping to serve the ends of accountable public admi nistration, as well as keeper of the long-term corporate and collective memory, for those corporate records managers and archivists whose records and archives programs are closely integrated with the business processes of their organisa tions, and for that hybrid group of Australian archivists/records managers who identify themselves first and foremost as recordkeeping professionals. 197 DE PROFESSIE SUE MCKEMMISH YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW

Periodiekviewer Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen

Jaarboeken Stichting Archiefpublicaties | 1999 | | pagina 100