Registers of Archive Fonds (A the Czech Republic and Information Sy Czech Archives GD ®W m special special After accessing the retrieval apparatus in three other world languages the popularity of this information system still increased, which was i.a. demonstrated by incorporation of the database into European Networking Projects.1 This relative success of the Czech archives was due both to the long lasting work of many archi vists and to the specific development of archive record management in Czechoslovakia or in the Czech Republic. Though a number of important archives already existed in the Czech lands since the 19th century (Moravian Regional Archives in Brno, Archives of the National Museum etc.), the core of the current archive net in the Czech Republic arose in 20th century '50s and '60s, i.e. within the communist era. At this time the legis lative instruments were developed which enab led, at least on theoretical level, orientation in the vast archive wealth, which was concentrated in the Czech Republic archives i.a. due to the nationalization process. Its core was the obliga tory registration of archive fonds (archive groups) regardless of the stage of their arrange ment or inventarization. Archive fonds (archive groups) in Czech archives are traditionally of two types. First the archive fonds created under provenance principle, i.e. files of records arisen through the selection for scientific, administra tive and other reasons from written and other documents captured by the activities of their creators. To a lesser extent also archive collec tions exist arisen on the basis of pertinance prin ciple, i.e. by intentional file capturing activities regardless of originators of the records. Both types of these archive groups are since the fifties registered in individual archives and concur rently in central Mol registration. All records on Czech Republic territory, which were incorpora ted into this register, under the Archive Act became a part of so-called Unified Archive Fond (hereafter UAF), and under this Act were protec ted. UAF has its origins in Government Decree No 29/1954 Coll., on archives, on the basis of which a network of archives was established and whose 2 stated that 'files of records and docu ments of archival nature, arisen by the activities of state agencies, their institutions and facilities, socialist legal entities, in particular nationalized and other enterprises managing national pro perty as well as their legal predecessors, if sorted in accordance with the direction on retention, constitute the Unified State Archive Fond.' 3 stated that 'the Unified State Archive Fond shall be concentrated: a) in Central State Archives in Prague, b) in Slovak Central State Archives in Bratislava, c) in state archives, d) in other archi ves.'2 Mol was authorized to run the register of the Unified State Archive Fond 7 letter c). This Government Decree undoubtedly reflected the contemporary effort of the totalitarian regime to control information; but its main aim was also in the trivial attempt to map the mass of archi val records, which in different ways inclusive of nationalization got into the emerging net of archives. The register of the Unified State Archive Fond took the form of increment-arran ged card index with an auxiliary card apparatus thematically structured (so-called auxiliary card index). The register served exclusively for the internal needs of Mol and archives. Act 97/1974 Coll., on archives, brought a certain change by defining the UAF in a more general way as 'Records kept in register on Czech Republic territory, are part of the Unified Archive Fond.'3 UAF thus applied not only to documents deposited in archives but to all docu ments of archival nature registered in UAF. The inclusion of the records in UAF resulted above all in their elementary protection. The records could not be exported except for the purpose of exhibitions, and in such case with Mol approval 8 par. 2, 10 par. 4). The records were protec ted by the state 7); this also applied to records and documents in private possession (§10 par. 1-3). The inclusion into register resulted also in obligations for record owners (§7 par. 2), and theoretically also in the state assistance 7 par. 2). The main object was thus both protection and registration. Though the directive on pro tection of records by the state was a hardly prac ticable declaration, with assistance to the owners not much in mind, UAF register asserted itself in principle as a model, and formally also the structure of the monitored data partly improved.4 The system was, nevertheless, not too effective. UAF registers were in different periods and different archives managed with differing intensity, and its applica bility was i.a. also limited due to the rat her rough nature of many provisions in register. The UAF register quality usually improved after one of the general inven tories made once in a decade, but in the meantime the interest in its manage ment declined. In particular the central UAF register was poorly managed; it deci dedly failed to provide a survey of archi ve groups in the Czech Republic and thus did not serve either as a source of infor mation or as a control instrument. The situation changed at the beginning of 20th century nineties. The informa tion system, which served exclusively to the internal needs of Mol and archives, opened gradually up and after change of regime started to serve the research com munity as well. Radical turn came in the years 1993- 1994, when i.a. due to bad experience in initial cooperation with private firms a small team of new employees was for med at Mol Archive Administration including a systems engineer and a pro grammer, which not only started to solve methodical problems and improve the database of the UAF, but primarily started to create its own software. The software proper at first created an electronic paral lel to paper card files, but later developed into a much wider alternative. This data base system, known as PEvA - Program for Archive Registers was developed by programmer J. Hora in cooperation with O. Macek, with author of this contribu tion and with archivists of all archives in the Czech Republic. Since 1998 the sys tem routinely operates in all archives of the country. National databases of archi ve fonds (archive groups) and archive collections are periodically compiled each year. At the time of inception this was a unique system but also today, when similar systems exist e.g. in Sweden, Poland, Spain or in the UI<, PEvA is one of the most complex systems of its kind in Europe and is continually developed.5 As regards the quality of the database, general inventory of archive fonds (archive groups) and collections of 2001 was of fundamental importance, in which most archives of our republic par ticipated.6 The system is preserved even in the new circumstances launched by public administration reform in the Czech Republic (1999-2002) and, above all, by the new Archive Act. In it the exis ting term 'Unified Archive Fond' was replaced by 'National Archive Heritage', yet the basic parameters of this institute have been preserved.7 Based on the new Act and implementation regulations PEvA program was at length also redraf ted. The basic change was in the new structure of archives in the Czech Republic.8 The data is loaded into individual files of the program by the staff of individual archives on the basis of methodology specified by Mol. Via the National Archive and regional state archives also the data on documents archived in museums, libraries, memorials, facilities of the Czech Academy of Sciences, uni versities (so called 'cultural and scientific institutions') and documents stored by private persons (documents stored outs ide the archives) get into the system.9 The data is yearly periodically updated. By the end of February each year the data is concentrated at Mol Administration of Archives Department in Prague where national database is compiled, which is then passed to individual archives. Each archive is thus informed in detail about the records in the other archives.10 Besides the key register of archive fonds (archive groups) and collections the regi stration of finding aids plays an impor tant role. The system permits to ascertain whether finding aids exist for a given archive fond, of what type and where such aids are available. Duplicates of important finding aids in national dis trict archives are submitted to head offi ces of relevant regional national archives and also to Mol Administration of Archives Department in Prague. All other types of archives send there the duplica tes of aids as well. The set of finding aids at Administration of Archives Department in Prague con tains approximately 26279 finding aids. This library is also intensively used by different researchers. They can thus find, before they visit the archives, whether the documents searched for actually are in the relevant fond. Mol can thus spare at least some citizens time and financial expense linked with unnecessary travel ling to archives situated across the terri tory of the republic. In future also the data on individual records, contained in finding aids, should be integrated into the system. Lees verder op pagina 25 W'. 23 Door Michal Wanner* In the year 2002 the database known as archive fonds (archive groups) in the Czech Republic was placed on the Website of the Czech Republic Ministry of the Interior (hereafter Mol). The acces sing thereof met with public's positive response and the monthly number of visits soon reached several thousand. This interest is understandable if we bear in mind that the database has accessed information to the whole archive wealth of the Czech Republic. The database registers 146.833 archive fonds (archive groups) totalling 711.653 shelve meters and 144.435 finding aids. This archi ve material is located in 43 archives (115 work places) across the territory of the Czech Republic. Registers of archive fonds (archive groups) in the Czech Republic and its history PEvA database system Archievenblad-redacteur Peter Sijnke voor het stadsarchief van Kolding (Denemarken)— f J N 1 22 archievenblad September 2005 September 2005 archievenblad £52=2»

Periodiekviewer Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen

Archievenblad | 2005 | | pagina 11